Sunday, November 13, 2011

Only Skin Deep

Once upon a time....there was a young family living in Arizona. They are the Nielsons. In 2008 the young couple left their four children with family and, with a friend, took a small plane on a short flight. On the return trip, after refueling, the plane crashed. The friend did not survive and the Nielson's were badly burned. Stephanie was in a comma for three months and went through multiple major surgeries to repair her burned skin. You can View her video HERE

Stephanie has come a long way, she has shared her story with the world in hopes of changing a very narrow perspective on beauty. She says in her video, "I am Stephanie Nielson and I am not my body" We are all more than our outward appearance. Through her strength, courage, and perseverance she has changed lives of women all over the world. As she goes about her daily life she faces curious looks of strangers. She must reconcile the past with the present and prepare herself and her family for the future. Life has not been easy for her since her accident- but she is finding joy in the life she has been given. She is grateful to be alive, raising her four children and preparing to have her fifth. She knows, and is teaching her children, that beauty is more than what you look like- But more importantly it is your attitude and how you respond to challenges in your path. Life is what you make of it! Happily ever after comes to those who don't give up- those who keep pushing through their trials. Stephanie did not give up.

You can follow her blog at

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